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Duration: 4 years
Study options: Work-Based Learning
Qualifications: Degree Level Apprenticeship

The programme is tailored to the needs of individuals embarking on a scientific or technical career in food and drink manufacturing or those working in and seeking to advance their careers in quality, technical, hygiene or product development roles. Our programmes are a combination of on-the-job learning and part-time study at the National Centre for Food Manufacturing, with delivery consisting of attended learning through block release and distance learning study. The courses aim to provide comprehensive work-based training schemes for people wishing to develop their career in the food manufacturing industry, complemented by ‘off the job’ learning to develop the supervisors, managers and technologists of the future.

Duration: 18 months
Study options: Work-Based Learning
Qualifications: Apprenticeship

It offers learners the opportunity to develop skills and knowledge required to prove competence at work in supervisory management roles.

The qualification provides food manufacturers and the supply chain with a unique blend of business management competencies with technical food management competencies.

Duration: 3 years
Study options: Delivery at Provider Premises
Qualifications: Higher Apprenticeship

The University delivers a Higher Apprenticeship in Food Manufacturing supported by Cogent, the Sector Skills Council for the Science and Technology based industries.

Duration: 2.5 years
Study options: Delivery at Provider Premises
Qualifications: Foundation Degree

This FdSc programme is mapped to the FdSc Food Operations and Supply Chain Management standard to enable employers to utilise the apprenticeship levy to develop their operation management teams and provide progression opportunities for employees. This programme is also available as a stand-alone FdSc to provide access to non-levy funded or self-funded students.

Duration: 4.5 years
Study options: Delivery at Provider Premises
Qualifications: BSc (Hons)

The BSc (Hons) in Food Operations and Supply Chain Management has been developed to prepare students for managing multi-disciplined teams in today’s fast-paced food manufacturing environments. Students are introduced to both the theoretical and practical aspects of management within food manufacturing sector including planning, logistics, technical support and resource management.

Duration: >15 months
Study options: Work-Based Learning
Qualifications: Apprenticeship

Production chefs strive to produce customers’ meals consistently to perfection according to predetermined specifications. They have the ability to work independently often in hot and highly challenging kitchen environments.

Production Chefs are likely to work in organisations where brands, recipes and menus have been created by a central development team. Production chefs work quickly and efficiently, producing food often in high volumes, which is repeated day after day, requiring energy, highly methodical organisational skills and attention to detail.

Duration: 12 to 18 months
Study options: Work-Based Learning
Qualifications: Intermediate Apprenticeship

The Level 2 Diploma or Certificate in Food Production and Cooking is for candidates

who wish to work in the hospitality industry and already have knowledge of the basic principles of kitchen work, or who can demonstrate commitment and enthusiasm to work and study in order to supplement their existing knowledge.

Candidates will be required to display both practical skills and the associated knowledge in order to complete the assessments.

Duration: 1-2 years
Study options: Delivery at Provider Premises, Full Time
Qualifications: PGDip/MSc

The safety and quality of food is a major concern to consumers, retailers, manufactures and regulators. High profile incidents have highlighted the need for the effective management systems and regulatory frameworks for food safety at the local, national and international levels.

Increasingly, professionals within this field require specialised knowledge and skills to help them identify and effectively manage risks. In response to these challenges, this PgCert/PgDip/MSc has been designed to meet the development needs of UK and international food safety specialists working in commerce and industry and enforcement agencies.

Duration: 3-4 years
Study options: Delivery at Provider Premises, Full Time
Qualifications: BSc (Hons)

Professionally accredited by the Institute of Food Science and Technology, the Food Science and Technology degree at Cardiff Met aims to provide you with a broad understanding of modern food industries.

The course combines theoretical studies and practical work, which may be applied in the modern industrial food environment. The modular structure of the course is designed to allow you to develop your own career path according to the modules selected.

The degree continues to perform well in recruitment to the food industry post graduation.​

Course information on this page relates to September 2018 entry.​​

Please note: This programme will undergo periodic review in 2017/18. As such, course content shown below may change to ensure the programme remains current. Any applicants will be informed of any changes once confirmed.

Duration: 1-2 years
Study options: Delivery at Provider Premises, Full Time
Qualifications: MSc/PGD/PGC

The food industry in the United Kingdom has developed a world-renown reputation for the production of exceptional quality, safe, wholesome products. To maintain this position in the global market, it is vital that the workforce is equally competent and highly skilled.

The Masters of Food Science and Technology at Cardiff Met has been designed to provide you with professional training combining comprehensive theoretical and practical knowledge within the fields of food science and food technology.

Duration: 3 - 6 years
Study options: Delivery at Provider Premises, Full Time, Part Time
Qualifications: BSc (Hons)

The programme will combine food science, technology and nutrition with the objective of creating innovative food products whilst ensuring that they are safe, wholesome and nutritious. This will also help address future issues such as, prevention and treatment of chronic disease, malnutrition, resource depletion and food fraud. New product development (NPD) is a key element, whilst industry relevant areas such as communication, entrepreneurship, team and project management are embedded in the programme.

Duration: 2.5 years
Study options: Delivery at Provider Premises
Qualifications: Foundation Degree

This FdSc programme is mapped to the FdSc Food Science and Technology standard to enable employers to utilise the apprenticeship levy to develop their scientific and technical teams and provide progression opportunities for employees. This programme is also available as a stand-alone FdSc to provide access to non-levy funded or self-funded students.