Welsh cy
Naomi Huckett — Supply Chain Graduate

Name: Naomi Huckett
Job title: Supply Chain Graduate
Employer: Coca-Cola Europacific Partners (CCEP)
Qualification: BSc in Biomedical Science, MSc in Future Food Sustainability
Salary Range: £32,000
  • What does a Supply Chain Graduate do?

The Supply Chain Graduate Programme lasts for three years and is rotational, meaning you do rotations around different supply chain functions. This is so that you get a broad understanding of how supply chain works at CCEP, and also to work out what you like the most so that you can pursue this in your career after the grad scheme. My scheme is specific to environment and sustainability, so my rotations are focused on these areas. Right now I’m working in the Environment department, where we work with the environment managers at each of the factories to reduce water and energy usage onsite, and reduce the amount of waste we produce.


  • How did you end up in this job?

When I was at school I thought I wanted to be a doctor, so I applied for medicine. I eventually got into a medical school, but I changed my mind and ended up having a gap year and then studying Biomed at uni. During my gap year I worked as a chalet host in a ski resort, and I really loved cooking breakfast, afternoon tea and dinner for the guests every day. After uni I struggled to get an entry-level job in a food and drink company, and was unsuccessful with graduate scheme applications, so I took a job working in Medical Communications. I learnt loads in this job, particularly around project management, but it was never my passion. So, to join my love for food and cooking with my passion for science and sustainability, I studied a Master’s in Future Food Sustainability. This allowed me to pivot my career path, and was a huge help in getting a place on to the Supply Chain graduate programme.


  • What’s the best thing about your job?

I love that I’m working to make a difference. Since CCEP is such a huge company, if you make even a small change in how much water, energy, or packaging is used, it has a massive impact on the environment. That’s my motivation for this job. I also love working with a wide range of people, which allows me to learn from a broad range of experience and expertise, and work on a big variety of projects.


  • If you had the chance to do it all over again, what would you do the same / differently?

If I could do it all again, I would have a lot more conviction in my abilities earlier on in my career. I didn’t have a lot of confidence in the job applications I made when I was at uni since I didn’t have much work experience. But, I wish I had been more confident in my skills that I had developed through other experiences. I think this would have allowed me to sell myself more in my applications.


  • How long have you been doing your job?

I started in September 2024, so I’m about three months in now.


  • Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?

I see myself managing a small team working on exciting sustainability initiatives to drive CCEP forwards towards its net zero by 2040 target. In particular, I am eager to collaborate with our ingredient suppliers to enhance the agricultural process, continuing to make it more environmentally friendly.


  • If you could give your 16 year old self some career advice, what would it be?

I would tell my 16 year old self to go with my gut to follow the path that feels right for me. In my career journey there have been many forks in the road where I’ve had to make important decisions, so it’s vital to go with what feels best for you.