Welsh cy
Sinead Goodwin — HR Officer

Name: Sinead Goodwin
Job title: HR Officer
Employer: ABP Food Group
Qualification: Human Resource Management Degree
Salary Range: 25k-33k
  • Did you buy something special with your first pay cheque? – I booked a holiday to Paris. I love to travel.
  • What’s the best thing about your job? – The people. Every day I deal with different people from all walks of life who have a story to tell. They make coming to work everyday worthwhile.
  • How long have you been doing your job? I have been a HR Officer for 4 months now following my 2 Years on the ABP Linden HR Graduate scheme.
  • Where do you see yourself in five years time? – Progressing within the company to a more senior role, continuing to work in an enjoyable environment and improve myself every day.
  • If you could give your 16 year old self some career advice, what would it be? – Take every opportunity that comes your way, even if its outside of your comfort zone. To not put pressure on yourself if university isn’t the route for you, there are so many options available.