Welsh cy
Conall Lucey — Environmental Degree Apprentice

Name: Conall Lucey
Job title: Environmental Degree Apprentice
Employer: Premier Foods
Qualification: GCSE’s, A Levels
Salary Range: £23,000
  • How did you end up in this job?

 I found it on the Government Apprenticeship website. Applied, was lucky to be chosen for an interview and got the Job.

  • What’s the best thing about your job?

The Free cake and the team I work with

  • How long have you been doing your job?

9 months

  • Where do you see yourself in five years time?

I see myself still at Premier foods and working within the HSE Team

  • If you could give your 16 year old self some career advice, what would it be?

Pick something you enjoy whether it be more data driven or manual over topic.