Aleksandra Gniazdowska
Compliance Technologist

Aleksandra Gniazdowska
Job title:
Compliance Technologist
Campden BRI Food & Drink Labelling, TQC Food Specification Training, APP Specification Training
Salary Range:
What does a Compliance Technologist do?
- My focus as Compliance Technologist is to make sure that all internal specifications are up to date, all customer requests and questionnaires are dealt with in the right time and correct manner. My job is also to make sure supplier specifications are correct and up to date so we can legally produce food.
What's the best thing about your job?
- I can easily say that I really do like my job. It gives me satisfaction to see product from NPD concept to finished product on supermarket shelf. I do like everyday challenges and that you never know what will happened in the technical department. I also enjoy contact with different Customers and Suppliers.
What was your starting salary?
- £25.000
How long have you been doing your job?
- 5 years
If you could give your 16 year old self some career advice, what would it be?
- Try harder and listen to what people who care about you are saying. Think before you do something or choose something.