How did you end up in this job?
Once I’d finished my degree I then started to apply for jobs. I came across this job after my dad had sent it to me. After sending off the initial application the next step was to do a video interview. Then after passing the video interview we were shortlisted even further. Finally, I attended an assessment centre at Uxbridge head office where I had an interview, presentation and then a group challenge. A week later I received the call that I had been successful.
What advice would you give to someone thinking of pursuing this career?
I’d say make use of your support network. Going from school/university to work can be a big change and getting advice from others can be a big help.
What’s the best thing about your job?
I’d probably say the best thing would be having the graduate network. Immediately you have a group of friends who are in the same position as you and it really helped me to settle in to things.
How long have you been doing your job?
I started in mid-September so coming up to three months.
If you could give your 16 year old self some career advice, what would it be?
My advice would be that you don’t have to know exactly what you want to do for work. If you don’t know what you want to do then think about what you definitely don’t want to do. That helped narrow things down for me.