After you qualified did it take you a while to find a job?/how did you end up in this job?
I graduated in 2022 and didn’t get into a graduate role until the end of 2024. I took some time off after I graduated to try and start a business of my own which I still run. By 2023 I was still working part time and I wanted to use my degree to find a job that would give me more out of the time I was giving to work along side my business. I didn’t know where to start and so I joined am agency called psalt that sets out to get young people corporate ready in fmcg. I knew I had some skills but needed more help connecting and finding the right opportunity. Through this agency I came across this opportunity. I put all my energy into this application process as this was the only graduate role I applied to so I’m lucky to be here.
How long have you been doing your job?
I started in September of 2024 and I applied before summer 2024
What was your starting salary?
Where do you see yourself in five years?
I plan to take opportunities that feel right as they come, as I did with this one. but I have no direct outcome for where I want to be. I know I want to be achieving in whatever field I end up in. The graduate role helps because it allows you to figure that out