What does an apprentice engineering technician do?
Day to day I work along side a supervisor we carry out maintenance tasks on 4 different bottling lines. When there aren’t many maintenance tasks to be doing, we carry out project work.
Describe your job in 20-25 words.
Being an apprentice engineer, or an apprentice of any kind, is great. Earning money for studying is good for my mental health.
Give a description of a day in the life of an apprentice engineering technician
Get to work and check in with the operators. See what issues have been going on over night or if there is anything that needs to be raised. Carry out the required maintenance for that day and plan in anything else which is required. If there isn’t a lot of maintenance to be done work on ongoing projects.
How did you end up in this job?
I have enjoyed engineering since I could pick up a Lego brick. I worked on cars bikes and anything I could take apart all my life and ended up finding out about a special type of school known as a studio school. I took the opportunity to take my GCSE’s and further education there where in my last year I carried out a two-day weekly placement at one of Britvic’s NDC’s. I saw the apprenticeship and applied for it, I was offered a place and seized the opportunity.
What advice would you give to someone thinking of pursuing this career?
You get out what you put in so put yourself out there, never be afraid to make mistakes or ask questions. Always be respectful and kind because your network and connections are just as important as your knowledge.
What’s the best thing about your job?
Variety on a daily basis, never doing the same thing each day.
If you had the chance to do it all over again, what would you do the same / differently?
I would put myself out there more from the start. Get jobs that are out of my depth so I can learn more intensely.
What was your starting salary?
How long have you been doing your job?
I’m in my Third year now.
Has your salary changed since then – if not do you see salary progression?
Yes, it went up to 20,000 then to 25,000 and come September will be 30,000