Welsh cy

Looking for financial support in your Apprenticeship?

Wednesday, January 13, 2016 - 12:49

You’ve come to the right place.

You may qualify for a free grant of up to £520 per annum from GroceryAid, the national charity for grocery people.

GroceryAid is the charity for those who work or have worked in the grocery industry. The charity has introduced its brand new Apprenticeship Grant to encourage the flow of talent in the industry!

Our aim is to support people through apprenticeships in the grocery industry. The grants can be paid for up to four years, with relevant proof of being signed onto an Apprenticeship Programme in the Grocery trade.

Eligibility criteria

We will prioritise our help to you where:

  • Your parent(s) or guardian(s) work or have worked for 5 years or more in the grocery industry
  • Your parent(s) or guardian(s) own or owned their own store
  • You live with your parent(s) / guardian(s)
  • You are earning the average apprentice rate or less
  • Your apprenticeship is in the grocery industry

What could your grant cover?

You can use the grant for any costs associated with your Apprenticeship, for example:

  • Living expenses
  • Accommodation
  • Travel expenses
  • Study material
  • Equipment

GroceryAid Apprenticeship Grant

We can award grants of up to £520 per annum for UK apprentices whose parent/s/guardians are, or have been, working in the grocery industry. The award is subject to eligibility requirements as outlined above.

How much can you apply for?

The most that you can apply for is £520 per year.

What can you use the grant for?

You can use the grant for any reasonable costs connected with your apprenticeship including living expenses, accommodation, travel expenses and books.

Who can apply?

To be eligible to apply you need to be:

  • A resident of the United Kingdom
  • Undertaking an Apprenticeship Programme in the grocery industry
  • The child or dependant of someone who works or has worked in the grocery industry

Before applying, you should check that you are eligible.

Are grants paid directly to applicants?

Yes, subject to proof that you are on an Apprenticeship Programme.


You can apply for a grant each year of your Apprenticeship, up to a maximum of four years.

Do you need to re-apply each year?

Yes. You will need to show that you are continuing on your Programme, that your performance is satisfactory and that there is no significant change in your financial situation.

Making an application

To apply simply fill in the online application form.

Further information

For further guidance on the Apprenticeship Grant contact welfare@groceryaid.org.uk