Welsh cy
Richard Arthur Mogg — Onboarding Agent

Name: Richard Arthur Mogg
Job title: Onboarding Agent
Employer: Lyons Seafood
Qualification: Food Safety Level 3, Health and Safety Level 2, Train the Trainer.
Salary Range: £19,000-£23,500

What does an Onboarding Agent do?

An onboarding Agent Supports new starters and integrates successful candidates into the business.

Describe your job in 20-25 words.

I Deliver the induction process to inductee’s ensuring they receive relevant information Regards Food safety, Health and safety and general site rules and procedures which must be followed daily.

Give a description of a day in the life of an Onboarding Agent.

Varying, every day brings something new.

How did you end up in this job?

Having started at Young’s initially through being a member of agency staff. I looked for opportunities within the business and found my way into the Onboarding Team.

What advice would you give to someone thinking of pursuing this career?

Enter the job with an open mind. Every day can be different, to the people you meet, the challenges you face and the rewards you receive for hard work and effort.

What’s the best thing about your job?

The best part for me, is the team. And the people I meet on a daily basis.

If you had the chance to do it all over again, what would you do the same / differently?

Given what I now know about the food industry I would have got involved much quicker.

What was your starting salary?


How long have you been doing your job?

6 Months

Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?

As part of the training team, delivering more in-depth training including SOPs to staff.

If you could give your 16 year old self some career advice, what would it be?

I wish I would have found a career in food production earlier as I’ve found out more opportunities than I thought initially existed.

Did you buy something special with your first pay cheque?

I put money towards a new Gaming Console.